The Magic of Yoast: Stress-Free SEO At Your Fingertips

By Raka October 13, 2023
Yoast Definition

From time to time, we share our experience as an inbound marketing agency by defining some inbound terms in an effort to help all our marketing managers, directors of marketing, and anyone interested in getting more traffic and leads from their website.

A big first step to getting the right kinds of leads from your site, is to make sure your content gets found on Google. One great way to do that, if you’re using WordPress, is to take advantage of Yoast, a borderline magical plugin that can help you produce readable, keyword-focused content across your website. Of course, you have to know how to use it first.

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Yoast’s WordPress plugin is a tool that does most of your SEO work for you. Rather than spending precious time hunting down all the errors, you need to fix or the improvements you have to make, you can rely on Yoast SEO to analyze the page in real time and provide digestible feedback.

inbound marketing definitions

Here are just a few things Yoast can provide:

  • Post titles and meta descriptions
  • Robots meta configuration
  • Content analysis
  • Permalink clean up
  • XML sitemaps
  • RSS enhancements
  • Edit your robots.txt and .htaccess

Do you know anyone who wouldn’t want help in those areas? Well….

Why Yoast SEO is important to marketers

Some marketers are SEO mavericks; they like to optimize web pages their way and they do it with gusto.

Yoast is not for those people. Yoast is for people like me, who don’t want to take chances when it comes to search engine optimization. I am perfectly fine with having a plugin check my work and tell me how to improve SEO for the content I write for Raka.

Want to see some blood and guts? Here’s what the Yoast analysis looks like for this post as I write it:

 Yoast analysis
Ta-da! A complete rundown of every place I can optimize this post. And the bulleted scores are simple—red and orange need improvement, green is good—so I know just where to focus my attention. Once all those lights turn green I can be confident the post is properly, thoroughly optimized.

Still not sure how to satisfy the SEO gods? Earlier this year, my colleague Kelly Glista wrote an excellent primer on how to use Yoast’s latest version: “How to Use the Yoast SEO Plugin for WordPress Without Going Crazy.”

In it, Kelly gets into the nitty-gritty of how to take advantage of the Yoast plugin. From focus keywords to content analysis, she not only explains why each SEO aspect is important but describes how to make peace with it. And isn’t that what we’re all after anyway?

If you skimmed this post…

Yoast SEO is a plugin for WordPress that guides the technical optimization of your website.

Want to learn more awesome inbound marketing terms? Check out our Inbound Marketing Definitions page.
